Recent Endeavors

Lets face it, who can think of anything else during these trying times? The COVID-19 has taken over our minds, hearts, and even our day to day lives. The world is moving in slow motion as we all brace ourselves for what’s to come. The FMHC aims to inspire hope, change, assistance, kindness and courage in the hearts of American individuals and families  nationwide. From Clorox cleaning, to telehealth sessions, to therapy while practicing social distancing, The Florid Mental Health Coalition is on the move! See some photos from our recent endeavors below:


Therapy While Practicing Social Distancing


From preschools to assisted living facilities and nursing homes, FMHC in conjunction with DryTech 24-7 and Clorox, have sponsored disinfecting and complete commercial cleaning services to keep our loved ones safe.


Supporting Telehealth initiatives countrywide


We love helping our young hearts and families as much as possible. We have worked with Children and Families in distress for nearly a decade and continue to do so during this pandemic. We have kept our doors and hearts open so we can provide necessary mental health services to children and families in need. Please help us help our future.